Saturday, March 1, 2014

swappy swapperton

confession time:
i didn't just randomly decide to start blogging more regularly. i had a motive.

so i was recently a part of a blogger swap where we were invited to put together little crafty packages for someone we don't know, but who also blogs. i SCORED with anna, my swap-ee (is that the correct terminology? i don't even know. anyway, she blogs here and has been suuuuch a bloggy inspiration to me - she is a super consistent blogger.

then i realized...oh no! what is the person who drew my name to swap with going to think about my terrible bloggy housekeeping???

so yes, judgment played a role in my return to the blogosphere...and i'm glad it did! i now spend a few minutes each night putting down thoughts, adding to blog posts i've already got going, and thinking about my kids, reflecting on the day, and thinking about what i want to put "out there".

so thank you, bloggy friends i don't know - thank you for getting me back in the "groove" (and to allow me to write a post when i get to say "bloggy" all the time!)

as for the swap itself, i'm quite remiss in that i completely spaced on bringing my phone with me to the post office, so as i was packing it up, i had NO way to take photos of it. in it was a "cold weather survival kit". i made some body butter, some chest rub (half strength so she can use it on her babe if need be), and some peppermint lip balm. (THEN i read this post wherein i totally look like i copied the woman running the swap! but really, i already had it packed up by then!) (here's the post where anna received my gift!). i also whipped up a pair of pants for her daughter and a matching pair for lorelei...which i can at least take a picture of since i have such a cute model!

i also tossed in a card from kirk, who blogs here and takes amazing photographs.

I am waiting with baited breath for my swap package - wonder who "got" me and what's making its way to me right now! Will update when it arrives :)

Either way, I'm so grateful to Amanda for organizing this swap, and by extension, breathing new life back into my blog!

1 comment:

  1. what cute pants! I love everything you sent (and no, I don't think you copied me! there are a lot of repeat items- soaps, salves, lip balms, hand-warmers, bags.... floating around as part of this swap) and hope you receive your package very soon! please let me know if you don't and I'll check in to be sure it's been sent out. thanks so much participating, and I'm glad to be a (however small) part of your return to regular blogging ;)
