Wednesday, July 10, 2013

some highlights and an update

oh my...
the number of times i've thought about coming to this space and spilling my guts...and then haven't.

some highlights of the last few months:

finn moved into his new "big boy bed", and apart from falling out twice since, he's slept better than ever...i had such a fun time re-doing his room and will give that its own post (no, really!). i was surprisingly un-emotional about the whole affair - my little boy leaving his crib, etc etc etc, and i think that's helped the transition.

finn is now using the potty on a regular basis, of his own accord. he super randomly told me he wanted to use his potty one day to poop, and i obliged, where he proceeded to do the deed, much to our delight and surprise. yet another awesome thing about having our kiddo enrolled, even part-time, at day care, where he sees his peers doing the same. we're by no means potty trained, but he at least tries every day and we don't pressure him to do anything he doesn't want to do. our plan wasn't going to be even starting to try potty training for another 6 months, so this is huge, and every diaper i don't have to wash is a gift :)

finn turned TWO last week! more on that soon...

i am now officially 38 weeks and 1 day pregnant...8 days more pregnant than i've ever been, and feeling great. no swelling, no high blood pressure, no urine tests, no 3 week early baby. in fact, this little girl is so high (read:crushing my lungs), she may not come out until after her due date of the 24th, which is just fine with me - i haven't been loving the heat, but i do want their birthdays to be spread out as much as we can AND now that i have a 2 year old, i'm in no rush to add another kiddo to the mix. we're enjoying these last few weeks as a family of 3 and are very much looking forward to meeting the person who's going to complete it, but we know it'll be hard for a while. luckily, chad gets to stay home for a week or so, then my mom comes up for a week or so, depending on when baby girl comes along, and chad's mom comes up for a week or so. hypothetically, there will be lots of support around, and i'm stocking the freezer so we can all just settle in to new babyhood with as little stress as possible.

I'll be back in this space again to share photos of the two kiddos bedrooms - hopefully within the next couple of days. But then again, I might take a nap...  ;)

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